2010 - June 28 (Day 13) Happy birthday to me! Laird River to Teslin

My day started with a kiss and a "Happy birthday!" from Marsha. Got out of camp about 7:30, but went grocery shopping and spent some time in the Sign Post Forest in Watson Lake, so we only drove 286 miles today. We wanted to get off the road early, as usual, so we'd have plenty of time to grill my birthday steaks that we bought in Watson Lake.

We ate lunch in a rest area atop the Continental Divide today. I forgot to take a picture. It was chilly out, so we ate "indoors" again.

Other than the Sign Post Forest, the day was pretty uneventful. Some buffalo along the road and some Alaska Highway construction were the highlights of the day.
I haven't had Internet access for the past two nights, so I'm posting days 11, 12 and 13 tonight. Be sure to catch up.


Chad McCray said...

HAPPY 65th BIRTHDAY DAD!!! Great pics, love the sign post forest. I could spend hours in there looking at them all. Enjoy the rest of the trip. Love you both,


C McC said...

Happy Birthday, boy are you getting old! I'm enjoying reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you enjoyed your birthday...aren't the bison on the side of the road a treat!?!?? Where's the picture of the moose with his 4 legs in the air!?!??!
Keep on keeping on!

Lou said...

Happy Birthday, You old fart!! I told you that you'd wish you had retired earlier!! I'm reliving much of our 2009 trip through your posts and pictures. Keep up the good work.
